Tuesday 29 August 2017

Pilihan Posisi Notasi Biner

Pilihan biner posisi posisional. Dalam sistem posisi, kita memiliki basis atau radix seperti 2 untuk biner, 3 untuk trinin, atau sepuluh untuk desimal. Misalnya, dalam biner, kita menggunakan dua simbol 0,1 pada basis oktal 8 yang kita gunakan 8 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 pada basis heksadesimal 16 kita menggunakan 16 simbol 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, A, B, C, D , E, F dll Bila ada kemungkinan kebingungan, kita menunjukkan radix simbol numerik dengan subskrip yang ditulis menggunakan notasi desimal Selanjutnya, dalam sistem posisi nilai simbol bergantung pada di mana ditulis. 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Human manusia menggunakan desimal Basis 10 dan duodecimal basis 12 sistem bilangan untuk menghitung dan pengukuran mungkin karena kita memiliki 10 jari dan dua jari kaki besar. Komputer menggunakan sistem bilangan biner 2 basis, karena terbuat dari komponen digital biner yang dikenal sebagai transistor yang beroperasi di dua negara bagian - on dan off In Komputasi, kita juga menggunakan basis heksadesimal 16 atau oktal basis 8 nomor sistem, sebagai bentuk kompak untuk rep Nomor bilangan biner kebangkrutan. Dekimal Base 10 Nomor Sistem. Sistem bilangan desimal memiliki sepuluh simbol 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, dan 9, disebut digit s Ini menggunakan notasi posisi yaitu, Digit digit kanan paling banyak adalah dari urutan 10 0 unit atau yang, digit kanan kedua paling banyak dari urutan 10 1 puluhan, digit paling kanan ketiga adalah urutan 10 2 ratus, dan seterusnya. Sebagai contoh, kita harus menunjukkan angka desimal dengan akhiran opsional D jika ambiguitas muncul. Sistem Basis Basis 2 Nomor. Sistem angka bina memiliki dua simbol 0 dan 1, disebut bit. Ini juga merupakan notasi posisi untuk contoh. Kita harus menunjukkan biner Angka dengan akhiran B Beberapa bahasa pemrograman menunjukkan bilangan biner dengan awalan 0b misalnya 0b1001000, atau awalan b dengan bit yang dikutip egb 10001111.A digit biner disebut bit Delapan bit disebut byte mengapa unit 8-bit Mungkin karena 8 2 3.Hexadecimal Base 16 Number System. Sistem bilangan desimal menggunakan 16 simbol 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C. , D, E, dan F, disebut digit hex Ini adalah notasi posisi misalnya. Kita harus menunjukkan bilangan heksadesimal secara singkat, hex dengan akhiran H Beberapa bahasa pemrograman menunjukkan bilangan hex dengan awalan 0x misalnya 0x1A3C5F, atau awalan x dengan hex Digit yang dikutip egx C3A4D98B. Setiap digit heksadesimal juga disebut digit hex Kebanyakan bahasa pemrograman menerima huruf kecil a sampai f dan juga huruf besar A ke Fputers menggunakan sistem biner dalam operasi internal mereka, karena dibangun dari komponen elektronik digital biner. Namun, menulis atau Membaca urutan bit biner yang panjang adalah sistem heksadesimal yang tidak praktis dan rawan kesalahan digunakan sebagai bentuk kompak atau singkatan untuk bit biner Setiap digit hex setara dengan 4 bit biner, yaitu steno untuk 4 bit, sebagai berikut. Periksalah masing-masing digit hex oleh 4 bit ekuivalen, untuk contoh. Konversi dari Biner ke Heksadesimal. Mulai dari bit paling kanan yang paling sedikit, ganti setiap kelompok 4 bit dengan pad digit hex yang sama dengan bit paling kiri dengan ze Ro jika perlu, misalnya. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa nomor heksadesimal menyediakan bentuk kompak atau singkatan untuk mewakili bit biner. Konversi dari Base r ke Base Desimal 10.Given sebuah - digit basis r nomor dn-1 dn-2 dn - 3 d3 d2 d1 d0 r dasar, ekuivalen desimal diberikan dengan. Konversi dari Base Desimal 10 ke Base r. Use pembagian ulang sisa komponen Sebagai contoh. Prosedur di atas benar-benar berlaku untuk konversi antara 2 sistem dasar. Sebagai contoh. Konversi Umum antara 2 Sistem Basis dengan Bagian Fraksional. Separasikan bagian integral dan pecahan. Untuk bagian integral, bagi dengan radix target secara berulang, dan kumpulkan ramainder dengan urutan terbalik. Untuk bagian pecahan, kalikan bagian pecahan dengan radix target secara berulang, Dan kumpulkan bagian integral dengan urutan yang sama. Mengkonversi Nomor Sistem Konversi. Kurangi bilangan desimal berikut ke bilangan biner dan heksadesimal. Kurangi bilangan biner berikut ke desimal heksadesimal dan desimal. Ers. Convert bilangan heksadesimal berikut ke bilangan biner dan desimal. Kurangi bilangan desimal berikut ke dalam ekuivalen biner. Answers Anda bisa menggunakan Kalkulator Windows untuk melakukan konversi sistem bilangan, dengan mengaturnya ke mode ilmiah Jalankan calc Pilih menu View Pilih Programmer Atau mode Ilmiah.1101100B 1001011110000B 10001100101000B 6CH 12F0H 2328H.218H 80H AAAH 536D 128D 2730D.10101011110011011110B 1001000110100B 100000001111B 703710D 4660D 2063Dputer Memory Data Representationputer menggunakan sejumlah bit yang tetap untuk mewakili sepotong data, yang dapat berupa angka, karakter, atau Yang lain Lokasi penyimpanan n - bit dapat mewakili hingga 2 n entitas yang berbeda Misalnya, lokasi memori 3-bit dapat menyimpan salah satu dari delapan pola biner ini 001 010 011 100 101 110 atau 111 Oleh karena itu, dapat mewakili paling banyak 8 berbeda Entitas Anda bisa menggunakannya untuk mewakili angka 0 sampai 7, angka 8881 sampai 8888, karakter A sampai H, atau sampai 8 jenis buah seperti apel, jeruk, bana Atau sampai 8 jenis hewan seperti singa, harimau, dll. Integer, misalnya, dapat direpresentasikan dalam 8 bit, 16 bit, 32-bit atau 64-bit Anda, sebagai pemrogram, memilih yang sesuai bit - Panjang untuk bilangan bulat Anda Pilihan Anda akan memberlakukan batasan pada kisaran bilangan bulat yang dapat ditunjukkan Selain bit-length, bilangan bulat dapat ditunjukkan dalam berbagai skema representasi, misalnya unsigned vs signed integer An unsigned integer 8-bit memiliki kisaran 0 Ke 255, sementara bilangan bulat bertanda 8 bit memiliki kisaran -128 sampai 127 - keduanya mewakili 256 nomor yang berbeda. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa lokasi memori komputer hanya menyimpan pola biner. Hal ini sepenuhnya tergantung pada Anda, sebagai pemrogram. , Untuk menentukan bagaimana pola-pola ini ditafsirkan Sebagai contoh, pola biner 8-bit 0100 0001B dapat diartikan sebagai unsigned integer 65 atau karakter ASCII A atau beberapa informasi rahasia yang hanya diketahui oleh Anda Dengan kata lain, Anda harus Pertama-tama putuskan bagaimana merepresentasikan sepotong data dalam deretan biner N sebelum pola biner masuk akal Penafsiran pola biner disebut representasi data atau pengkodean Selanjutnya, penting agar skema representasi data disepakati oleh semua pihak, yaitu standar industri perlu dirumuskan dan diikuti secara langsung. Setelah Anda Memutuskan pada skema representasi data, beberapa kendala, khususnya, ketepatan dan jangkauan akan diberlakukan. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memahami representasi data untuk menulis program kinerja yang benar dan berkinerja tinggi. Batu Lembing dan Pengertian Hieroglif Mesir. Bahasa Inggris hieroglif berikutnya - to-left digunakan oleh orang-orang Mesir kuno sejak 4000BC Sayangnya, sejak 500AD, tidak ada lagi yang bisa membaca hieroglif Mesir kuno, sampai ditemukannya kembali Rosette Stone pada tahun 1799 oleh pasukan Napoleon saat invasi Napoleon ke Mesir di dekat kota Dari Rashid Rosetta di Delta Nil. Batu Rosetta yang tersisa bertuliskan sebuah dekrit di 196BC atas nama Raja Ptolemy V The Keputusan muncul dalam tiga naskah teks atas adalah hieroglif Mesir kuno skrip Demotik paruh tengah, dan bahasa Yunani Kuno terendah Karena pada dasarnya menyajikan teks yang sama di ketiga skrip, dan bahasa Yunani Kuno masih dapat dipahami, ini memberi kunci pada penguraian Dari hieroglif Mesir. Moral ceritanya kecuali Anda mengetahui skema pengkodeannya, tidak mungkin Anda bisa memecahkan kode data. Referensi dan gambar Wikipedia. Integer Representation. Integers adalah bilangan utuh atau nomor titik tetap dengan titik radix Tetap setelah bit paling tidak signifikan Mereka kontras dengan bilangan real atau bilangan floating-point dimana posisi titik radix bervariasi Penting untuk dicatat bahwa bilangan bulat dan bilangan floating-point diperlakukan berbeda di komputer. Mereka memiliki representasi yang berbeda dan berbeda. Diproses secara berbeda misalnya bilangan floating-point diproses dalam apa yang disebut floating-point processor Floating-point numbers yang akan dibahas nanti Pelampung menggunakan sejumlah bit yang tetap untuk mewakili bilangan bulat Panjang bit yang sering digunakan untuk bilangan bulat adalah 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit atau 64-bit Selain panjang bit, ada dua skema representasi untuk integer. Unsigned Integer dapat mewakili bilangan bulat nol dan bilangan bulat positif. Integer yang Terdaftar dapat mewakili bilangan bulat nol, positif dan negatif Tiga skema representasi telah diusulkan untuk bilangan bulat yang ditandatangani. Persamaan Besaran representasi representasi Perwakilan Perwakilan.2.Anda, sebagai pemrogram, kebutuhan Untuk menentukan skema bit-length dan representasi untuk bilangan bulat Anda, tergantung pada persyaratan aplikasi Anda Misalkan Anda memerlukan penghitung untuk menghitung jumlah kecil dari 0 sampai 200, Anda dapat memilih skema integer unsigned 8-bit karena ada Tidak ada jumlah negatif yang terlibat. n - bit Unsigned Integers. Unsigned integer dapat mewakili bilangan bulat nol dan positif, tapi bukan bilangan bulat negatif Nilai sebuah unsigned integer diartikan sebagai besaran dari nilai dasarnya. Ing pola biner. Contoh 1 Anggaplah bahwa n 8 dan pola biner adalah 0100 0001B nilai dari unsigned integer ini adalah 1 2 0 1 2 6 65D. Example 2 Misalkan n 16 dan pola biner adalah 0001 0000 0000 1000B nilai Integer unsigned ini adalah 1 2 3 1 2 12 4104D. Example 3 Misalkan n 16 dan pola binernya adalah 0000 0000 0000 0000B, nilai dari unsigned integer ini adalah pola 0.An n - bit dapat mewakili 2 n bilangan bulat yang berbeda. N - Bit unsigned integer dapat mewakili bilangan bulat dari 0 sampai 2 n -1 seperti yang ditabulasikan di bawah ini. Kelas Integer. Digabungkan integer dapat mewakili bilangan bulat nol, bilangan bulat positif, dan bilangan bulat negatif Tiga skema representasi tersedia untuk representasi signers. Sign-Magnitude signed signed. Representasi pelengkap.2 Komposisi pelengkap. Dalam ketiga skema di atas, bit msb yang paling signifikan disebut bit tanda Bit tanda digunakan untuk mewakili tanda bilangan bulat - dengan 0 untuk bilangan bulat positif dan 1 untuk bilangan bulat negatif Besarnya i Nteger, bagaimanapun, ditafsirkan secara berbeda dalam skema yang berbeda. n - bit Sign Integer dalam Sign-Magnitude Representasi. Dalam representasi magnitudo sign. The bit paling signifikan adalah bit tanda dengan nilai 0 yang mewakili bilangan bulat positif dan 1 mewakili bilangan bulat negatif . Sisa n -1 bit mewakili nilai absolut dari bilangan bulat Nilai absolut bilangan bulat diinterpretasikan sebagai besarnya pola biner n -1-bit. Contoh 1 Misalkan n 8 dan representasi biner adalah 0 100 0001B Sign bit adalah 0 positif Nilai absolut adalah 100 0001B 65D Maka, bilangan bulat adalah 65D. Example 2 Anggap bahwa n 8 dan representasi biner adalah 1 000 0001B Sign bit adalah 1 negatif Nilai absolut adalah 000 0001B 1D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulat adalah -1D Contoh 3 Misalkan n 8 dan representasi biner adalah 0 000 0000B Sign bit adalah 0 positif Nilai absolut adalah 000 0000B 0D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulat adalah 0D. Example 4 Misalkan n 8 dan representasi biner adalah 1.000 0000B Sign bit is 1 ne Nilai absolut absolut adalah 000 0000B 0D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulat adalah -0D. Kekurangan representasi tanda besarnya ada. Ada dua representasi 0000 0000B dan 1000 0000B untuk bilangan nol, yang dapat menyebabkan inefisiensi dan kebingungan. Bilangan bulat positif dan negatif Perlu diproses secara terpisah. n - bit Sign Integer dalam Representasi Komplemen 1. Dalam representasi pelengkap 1.Sekali, bit msb yang paling signifikan adalah bit tanda dengan nilai 0 yang mewakili bilangan bulat positif dan 1 mewakili bilangan bulat negatif. Sisa n -1 bit mewakili besarnya bilangan bulat, sebagai berikut. untuk bilangan bulat positif, nilai absolut dari bilangan bulat sama dengan besarnya n -1-bit biner pattern. for bilangan bulat negatif, nilai absolut dari bilangan bulat sama Ke besarnya invers pelengkap dari pola biner n -1 - bit yang disebut pelengkap 1 s. Contoh 1 Misalkan n 8 dan representasi biner 0 100 0001B Tanda tanda adalah 0 positif Nilai absolut adalah 100 0 001B 65D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulat adalah 65D. Example 2 Misalkan n 8 dan representasi biner 1 000 0001B Sign bit adalah 1 negatif Nilai absolut adalah pelengkap 000 0001B yaitu 111 1110B 126D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulat adalah -126D. Example 3 Misalkan Bahwa n 8 dan representasi biner 0 000 0000B Sign bit adalah 0 positif Nilai absolut adalah 000 0000B 0D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulat adalah 0D. Example 4 Misalkan n 8 dan representasi biner 1 111 1111B Sign bit adalah 1 negatif Nilai absolut adalah Pelengkap 111 1111B yaitu 000 0000B 0D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulatnya adalah -0D. Again, kekurangannya ada. Ada dua representasi 0000 0000B dan 1111 1111B untuk bilangan bulat zero. The bilangan bulat positif dan bilangan bulat negatif perlu diolah secara terpisah. Integer dalam Representasi 2 s. Dalam representasi pelengkap 2 s. Sekali lagi, bit msb yang paling signifikan adalah bit tanda dengan nilai 0 yang mewakili bilangan bulat positif dan 1 mewakili bilangan bulat negatif. Sisa n -1 yang tersisa mewakili besaran bilangan bulat R, sebagai berikut. untuk bilangan bulat positif, nilai absolut dari bilangan bulat sama dengan besarnya n-bit-bit pola biner. untuk bilangan bulat negatif, nilai absolut dari bilangan bulat sama dengan besarnya pelengkap dari N -1 - bit pola biner ditambah satu yang disebut komplemen 2 s. Contoh 1 Anggap bahwa n 8 dan representasi biner 0 100 0001B Tanda tanda adalah 0 positif Nilai absolut adalah 100 0001B 65D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulatnya adalah 65D. Example 2 Anggap bahwa N 8 dan representasi biner 1 000 0001B Tanda tanda adalah 1 nilai absolut negatif adalah pelengkap 000 0001B plus 1 yaitu 111 1110B 1B 127D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulat adalah -127D. Example 3 Misalkan n 8 dan representasi biner 0 000 0000B Sign bit 0 positif Nilai absolut adalah 000 0000B 0D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulat adalah 0D. Example 4 Misalkan n 8 dan representasi biner 1 111 1111B Sign bit adalah 1 negatif Absolute value adalah pelengkap 111 1111B plus 1 yaitu 0000B 1B 1D Oleh karena itu, bilangan bulat adalah -1Dputers menggunakan 2 s Com Representasi plement untuk Signed Integer. Kita telah membahas tiga representasi untuk bilangan bulat bertanda tangan yang ditandatangani, komplemen 1 s dan komplemen 2 s Komputer menggunakan pelengkap 2 s dalam mewakili bilangan bulat yang ditandatangani. Hal ini karena hanya ada satu representasi untuk bilangan nol dalam 2 s Pelengkap, bukan dua representasi dalam besaran tanda dan komplemen 1. bilangan bulat positif dan negatif dapat diobati bersama di samping dan pengurangan Subtraction dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan logika tambahan. Contoh 1 Penambahan Dua Integer Positif Misalkan n 8, 65D 5D 70D. Example 2 Pengurangan diperlakukan sebagai Penambahan Integer Positif dan Negatif Misalkan n 8, 5D - 5D 65D -5D 60D. Example 3 Penambahan Dua Integer Negatif Misalkan n 8, -65D - 5D -65D -5D -70D. Karena ketepatan tetap yaitu jumlah bit tetap, bilangan bulat pelengkap n-bit 2 s memiliki rentang tertentu Misalnya, untuk n 8 kisaran bilangan bulat pelengkap 2 s adalah -128 sampai 127 Selama addi Dan pengurangan, penting untuk memeriksa apakah hasilnya melebihi kisaran ini, dengan kata lain, apakah terjadi overflow atau underflow. Contoh 4 Overflow Misalkan n 8, 127D 2D 129D overflow - di luar jangkauan. Contoh 5 Underflow Misalkan n 8, -125D - 5D -130D underflow - di bawah kisaran. Diagram berikut menjelaskan bagaimana komplemen 2 s bekerja Dengan mengatur ulang garis angka, nilai dari -128 sampai 127 diwakili secara terpisah dengan mengabaikan bit carry. - bit 2 s Complement Signed Integer. An n - bit 2 s complement signed integer dapat mewakili bilangan bulat dari -2 n -1 sampai 2 n -1 -1 sebagai tabulasi Perhatikan bahwa skema tersebut dapat mewakili semua bilangan bulat dalam kisaran, tanpa Setiap celah Dengan kata lain, tidak ada bilangan bulat yang hilang dalam kisaran yang didukung. 2 63 -1 9223,372,036,854,775,807 18 digit. Decoding 2 s Complement Numbers. Check bit tanda dilambangkan sebagai S. If S 0 jumlahnya positif dan nilai absolutnya adalah nilai biner dari sisa n -1 bits. Jika S 1 jumlahnya Adalah negatif Anda bisa membalikkan n -1 bit dan ditambah 1 untuk mendapatkan nilai absolut dari angka negatif. Sebagai alternatif, Anda dapat memindai sisa n -1 bit dari bit paling tidak signifikan Cari kejadian pertama dari 1 Flip semua bit Di sebelah kiri terjadinya pertama dari 1 Pola membalik memberi nilai absolut Sebagai contoh. Big Endian vs Little Endian. Modern menyimpan satu byte data di setiap alamat memori atau lokasi, yaitu memori beralamat byte 32 bit integer adalah, Oleh karena itu, disimpan dalam 4 alamat memori. Istilah Endian mengacu pada urutan penyimpanan byte dalam memori komputer. Dalam skema Big Endian, byte yang paling penting disimpan pertama di alamat memori terendah atau besar pada awalnya, sementara Little Endian menyimpan yang paling penting. Byte Di alamat memori terendah. Misalnya, integer 32-bit 12345678H 2215053170 10 disimpan sebagai 12H 34H 56H 78H di endian besar dan 78H 56H 34H 12H di little endian Sebuah integer 16 bit 00H 01H ditafsirkan sebagai 0001H di endian besar, Dan 0100H sebagai little endian. Exercise Integer Representation. What adalah kisaran integer 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit dan 64-bit, dalam representasi unsigned dan signed. Give nilai 88 0 1 127 dan 255 dalam 8 - bit unsigned representation. Give nilai 88 -88 -1 0 1 -128 dan 127 pada representasi pelengkap 8-bit 2 s. Berikan nilai 88 -88 -1 0 1 -127 dan 127 pada tanda 8-bit - magnitude representation. Give nilai 88 -88 -1 0 1 -127 dan 127 pada representasi pelengkap 8-bit 1. Rangkaian bilangan bulat n-unsigned adalah 0, 2 n - 1 Kisaran n - bit 2 s complement signed integer is -2 n-1 , 2 n-1 -1.88 0101 1000 0 0000 0000 1 0000 0001 127 0111 1111 255 1111 1111. 88 0101 1000 -88 1010 1000 -1 1111 1111 0 0000 0000 1 0000 0001 - 128 1000 0000 127 0111 11 11. 88 0101 1000 -88 1101 1000 -1 1000 0001 0 0000 0000 or 1000 0000 1 0000 0001 -127 1111 1111 127 0111 1111. 88 0101 1000 -88 1010 0111 -1 1111 1110 0 0000 0000 or 1111 1111 1 0000 0001 -127 1000 0000 127 0111 1111.Floating-Point Number Representation. A floating-point number or real number can represent a very large 1 23 10 88 or a very small 1 23 10 -88 value It could also represent very large negative number -1 23 10 88 and very small negative number -1 23 10 88 , as well as zero, as illustrated. A floating-point number is typically expressed in the scientific notation, with a fraction F , and an exponent E of a certain radix r , in the form of F r E Decimal numbers use radix of 10 F 10 E while binary numbers use radix of 2 F 2 E. Representation of floating point number is not unique For example, the number 55 66 can be represented as 5 566 10 1 0 5566 10 2 0 05566 10 3 and so on The fractional part can be normalized In the normalized form, there is only a single non-zero digit befo re the radix point For example, decimal number 123 4567 can be normalized as 1 234567 10 2 binary number 1010 1011B can be normalized as 1 0101011B 2 3.It is important to note that floating-point numbers suffer from loss of precision when represented with a fixed number of bits e g 32-bit or 64-bit This is because there are infinite number of real numbers even within a small range of says 0 0 to 0 1 On the other hand, a n - bit binary pattern can represent a finite 2 n distinct numbers Hence, not all the real numbers can be represented The nearest approximation will be used instead, resulted in loss of accuracy. It is also important to note that floating number arithmetic is very much less efficient than integer arithmetic It could be speed up with a so-called dedicated floating-point co-processor Hence, use integers if your application does not require floating-point numbers. In computers, floating-point numbers are represented in scientific notation of fraction F and exponent E with a radix of 2, in the form of F 2 E Both E and F can be positive as well as negative Modern computers adopt IEEE 754 standard for representing floating-point numbers There are two representation schemes 32-bit single-precision and 64-bit double-precision. IEEE-754 32-bit Single-Precision Floating-Point Numbers. In 32-bit single-precision floating-point representation. The most significant bit is the sign bit S , with 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers. The following 8 bits represent exponent E. The remaining 23 bits represents fraction F. Normalized Form. Let s illustrate with an example, suppose that the 32-bit pattern is 1 1000 0001 011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 with. F 011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.In the normalized form the actual fraction is normalized with an implicit leading 1 in the form of 1 F In this example, the actual fraction is 1 011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1 1 2 -2 1 2 -3 1 375D. The sign bit represents the sign of the number, with S 0 for positive and S 1 for negative number In this example with S 1 this is a negative number, i e -1 375D. In normalized form, the actual exponent is E-127 so-called excess-127 or bias-127 This is because we need to represent both positive and negative exponent With an 8-bit E, ranging from 0 to 255, the excess-127 scheme could provide actual exponent of -127 to 128 In this example, E-127 129-127 2D. Hence, the number represented is -1 375 2 2 -5 5D. De-Normalized Form. Normalized form has a serious problem, with an implicit leading 1 for the fraction, it cannot represent the number zero Convince yourself on this. De-normalized form was devised to represent zero and other numbers. For E 0 the numbers are in the de-normalized form An implicit leading 0 instead of 1 is used for the fraction and the actual exponent is always -126 Hence, the number zero can be represented with E 0 and F 0 because 0 0 2 -126 0.We can also represent very small positive and negative numbers in de-normalized form with E 0 For example, if S 1 E 0 and F 011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 The actual fraction is 0 011 1 2 -2 1 2 -3 0 375D Since S 1 it is a negative number With E 0 the actual exponent is -126 Hence the number is -0 375 2 -126 -4 4 10 -39 which is an extremely small negative number close to zero. In summary, the value N is calculated as follows. For 1 E 254, N -1 S 1 F 2 E-127 These numbers are in the so-called normalized form The sign-bit represents the sign of the number Fractional part 1 F are normalized with an implicit leading 1 The exponent is bias or in excess of 127 so as to represent both positive and negative exponent The range of exponent is -126 to 127.For E 0, N -1 S 0 F 2 -126 These numbers are in the so-called denormalized form The exponent of 2 -126 evaluates to a very small number Denormalized form is needed to represent zero with F 0 and E 0 It can also represents very small positive and negative number close to zero. For E 255 it represents special values, such as INF positive and negative infinity and NaN no t a number This is beyond the scope of this article. Example 1 Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 0 10000000 110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.Example 2 Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 1 01111110 100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.Example 3 Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 1 01111110 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001.Example 4 De-Normalized Form Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 1 00000000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001.Exercises Floating-point Numberspute the largest and smallest positive numbers that can be represented in the 32-bit normalized formpute the largest and smallest negative numbers can be represented in the 32-bit normalized form. Repeat 1 for the 32-bit denormalized form. Repeat 2 for the 32-bit denormalized form. Largest positive number S 0 E 1111 1110 254 F 111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 Smallest positive number S 0 E 0000 00001 1 F 000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 0000.Same as above, but S 1.Largest positive number S 0 E 0 F 111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 Smallest positive number S 0 E 0 F 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001.Same as above, but S 1.Notes For Java Users. You can use JDK methods bits or bits to create a single-precision 32-bit float or double-precision 64-bit double with the specific bit patterns, and print their values For examples. IEEE-754 64-bit Double-Precision Floating-Point Numbers. The representation scheme for 64-bit double-precision is similar to the 32-bit single-precision. The most significant bit is the sign bit S , with 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers. The following 11 bits represent exponent E. The remaining 52 bits represents fraction F. The value N is calculated as follows. Normalized form For 1 E 2046, N -1 S 1 F 2 E-1023.Denormalized form For E 0, N -1 S 0 F 2 -1022 These are in the denormalized form. For E 2047 N represents special values, such as INF infinity , NaN not a number. More on Floating-Point Re presentation. There are three parts in the floating-point representation. The sign bit S is self-explanatory 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers. For the exponent E , a so-called bias or excess is applied so as to represent both positive and negative exponent The bias is set at half of the range For single precision with an 8-bit exponent, the bias is 127 or excess-127 For double precision with a 11-bit exponent, the bias is 1023 or excess-1023.The fraction F also called the mantissa or significand is composed of an implicit leading bit before the radix point and the fractional bits after the radix point The leading bit for normalized numbers is 1 while the leading bit for denormalized numbers is 0.Normalized Floating-Point Numbers. In normalized form, the radix point is placed after the first non-zero digit, e, g 9 8765D 10 -23D 1 001011B 2 11B For binary number, the leading bit is always 1, and need not be represented explicitly - this saves 1 bit of storage. In IEEE 754 s no rmalized form. For single-precision, 1 E 254 with excess of 127 Hence, the actual exponent is from -126 to 127 Negative exponents are used to represent small numbers 1 0 while positive exponents are used to represent large numbers 1 0 N -1 S 1 F 2 E-127.For double-precision, 1 E 2046 with excess of 1023 The actual exponent is from -1022 to 1023 and N -1 S 1 F 2 E-1023.Take note that n-bit pattern has a finite number of combinations 2 n , which could represent finite distinct numbers It is not possible to represent the infinite numbers in the real axis even a small range says 0 0 to 1 0 has infinite numbers That is, not all floating-point numbers can be accurately represented Instead, the closest approximation is used, which leads to loss of accuracy. The minimum and maximum normalized floating-point numbers are.0000 0001H 0 00000000 00000000000000000000001B E 0, F 00000000000000000000001B D min 0 0 1 2 -126 1 2 -23 2 -126 2 -149 1 4 10 -45.007F FFFFH 0 00000000 11111111111111111111111B E 0, F 11111111111111111111111B D max 0 1 1 2 -126 1-2 -23 2 -126 1 1754942 10 -38.0000 0000 0000 0001H D min 0 0 1 2 -1022 1 2 -52 2 -1022 2 -1074 4 9 10 -324.001F FFFF FFFF FFFFH D max 0 1 1 2 -1022 1-2 -52 2 -1022 4 4501477170144023 10 -308.Special Values. Zero Zero cannot be represented in the normalized form, and must be represented in denormalized form with E 0 and F 0 There are two representations for zero 0 with S 0 and -0 with S 1.Infinity The value of infinity e g 1 0 and - infinity e g -1 0 are represented with an exponent of all 1 s E 255 for single-precision and E 2047 for double-precision , F 0 and S 0 for INF and S 1 for - INF. Not a Number NaN NaN denotes a value that cannot be represented as real number e g 0 0 NaN is represented with Exponent of all 1 s E 255 for single-precision and E 2047 for double-precision and any non-zero fraction. Character Encoding. In computer memory, character are encoded or represented using a chosen character encoding schemes aka character set , charset , character map , or code page. For example, in ASCII as well as Latin1, Unicode, and many other character sets. code numbers 65D 41H to 90D 5AH represents A to Z respectively. code numbers 97D 61H to 122D 7AH represents a to z respectively. code numbers 48D 30H to 57D 39H represents 0 to 9 respectively. It is important to note that the representation scheme must be known before a binary pattern can be interpreted E g the 8-bit pattern 0100 0010B could represent anything under the sun known only to the person encoded it. The most commonly-used character encoding schemes are 7-bit ASCII ISO IEC 646 and 8-bit Latin-x ISO IEC 8859-x for western european characters, and Unicode ISO IEC 10646 for internationalization i18n. A 7-bit encoding scheme such as ASCII can represent 128 characters and symbols An 8-bit character encoding scheme such as Latin-x can represent 256 characters and symbols whereas a 16-bit encoding scheme such as Unicode UCS-2 can represents 65,536 characters and symbols .7-bit ASCII Code aka US-ASCII, ISO IEC 646, ITU-T T 50.ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange is one of the earlier character coding schemes. ASCII is originally a 7-bit code It has been extended to 8-bit to better utilize the 8-bit computer memory organization The 8th-bit was originally used for parity check in the early computers. Code numbers 32D 20H to 126D 7EH are printable displayable characters as tabulated. ISO IEC-8859 has 16 parts Besides the most commonly-used Part 1, Part 2 is meant for Central European Polish, Czech, Hungarian, etc , Part 3 for South European Turkish, etc , Part 4 for North European Estonian, Latvian, etc , Part 5 for Cyrillic, Part 6 for Arabic, Part 7 for Greek, Part 8 for Hebrew, Part 9 for Turkish, Part 10 for Nordic, Part 11 for Thai, Part 12 was abandon, Part 13 for Baltic Rim, Part 14 for Celtic, Part 15 for French, Finnish, etc Part 16 for South-Eastern European. Other 8-bit Extension of US-ASCII ASCII Extensions. Beside the standardi zed ISO-8859-x, there are many 8-bit ASCII extensions, which are not compatible with each others. ANSI American National Standards Institute aka Windows-1252 or Windows Codepage 1252 for Latin alphabets used in the legacy DOS Windows systems It is a superset of ISO-8859-1 with code numbers 128 80H to 159 9FH assigned to displayable characters, such as smart single-quotes and double-quotes A common problem in web browsers is that all the quotes and apostrophes produced by smart quotes in some Microsoft software were replaced with question marks or some strange symbols It it because the document is labeled as ISO-8859-1 instead of Windows-1252 , where these code numbers are undefined Most modern browsers and e-mail clients treat charset ISO-8859-1 as Windows-1252 in order to accommodate such mis-labeling. EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code Used in the early IBM computers. Unicode aka ISO IEC 10646 Universal Character Set. Before Unicode, no single character encoding scheme could represent characters in all languages For example, western european uses several encoding schemes in the ISO-8859-x family Even a single language like Chinese has a few encoding schemes GB2312 GBK, BIG5 Many encoding schemes are in conflict of each other, i e the same code number is assigned to different characters. Unicode aims to provide a standard character encoding scheme, which is universal, efficient, uniform and unambiguous Unicode standard is maintained by a non-profit organization called the Unicode Consortium Unicode is an ISO IEC standard 10646.Unicode is backward compatible with the 7-bit US-ASCII and 8-bit Latin-1 ISO-8859-1 That is, the first 128 characters are the same as US-ASCII and the first 256 characters are the same as Latin-1.Unicode originally uses 16 bits called UCS-2 or Unicode Character Set - 2 byte , which can represent up to 65,536 characters It has since been expanded to more than 16 bits, currently stands at 21 bits The range of the legal codes in IS O IEC 10646 is now from U 0000H to U 10FFFFH 21 bits or about 2 million characters , covering all current and ancient historical scripts The original 16-bit range of U 0000H to U FFFFH 65536 characters is known as Basic Multilingual Plane BMP , covering all the major languages in use currently The characters outside BMP are called Supplementary Characters which are not frequently-used. Unicode has two encoding schemes. UCS-2 Universal Character Set - 2 Byte Uses 2 bytes 16 bits , covering 65,536 characters in the BMP BMP is sufficient for most of the applications UCS-2 is now obsolete. UCS-4 Universal Character Set - 4 Byte Uses 4 bytes 32 bits , covering BMP and the supplementary characters. UTF-8 Unicode Transformation Format - 8-bit. The 16 32-bit Unicode UCS-2 4 is grossly inefficient if the document contains mainly ASCII characters, because each character occupies two bytes of storage Variable-length encoding schemes, such as UTF-8, which uses 1-4 bytes to represent a character, was de vised to improve the efficiency In UTF-8, the 128 commonly-used US-ASCII characters use only 1 byte, but some less-commonly characters may require up to 4 bytes Overall, the efficiency improved for document containing mainly US-ASCII texts. The transformation between Unicode and UTF-8 is as follows.11110uuu 10uuzzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx. In UTF-8, Unicode numbers corresponding to the 7-bit ASCII characters are padded with a leading zero thus has the same value as ASCII Hence, UTF-8 can be used with all software using ASCII Unicode numbers of 128 and above, which are less frequently used, are encoded using more bytes 2-4 bytes UTF-8 generally requires less storage and is compatible with ASCII The drawback of UTF-8 is more processing power needed to unpack the code due to its variable length UTF-8 is the most popular format for Unicode. UTF-8 uses 1-3 bytes for the characters in BMP 16-bit , and 4 bytes for supplementary characters outside BMP 21-bit. The 128 ASCII characters basic Latin letter s, digits, and punctuation signs use one byte Most European and Middle East characters use a 2-byte sequence, which includes extended Latin letters with tilde, macron, acute, grave and other accents , Greek, Armenian, Hebrew, Arabic, and others Chinese, Japanese and Korean CJK use three-byte sequences. All the bytes, except the 128 ASCII characters, have a leading 1 bit In other words, the ASCII bytes, with a leading 0 bit, can be identified and decoded easily. Example Unicode 60A8H 597DH. UTF-16 Unicode Transformation Format - 16-bit. UTF-16 is a variable-length Unicode character encoding scheme, which uses 2 to 4 bytes UTF-16 is not commonly used The transformation table is as follows. Same as UCS-2 - no encoding.000uuuuu zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx uuuuu 0.110110ww wwzzzzyy 110111yy yyxxxxxx wwww uuuuu - 1.Take note that for the 65536 characters in BMP, the UTF-16 is the same as UCS-2 2 bytes However, 4 bytes are used for the supplementary characters outside the BMP. For BMP characters, UTF-16 is the same as UCS-2 For supplementary characters, each character requires a pair 16-bit values, the first from the high-surrogates range, uD800- uDBFF , the second from the low-surrogates range uDC00- uDFFF. UTF-32 Unicode Transformation Format - 32-bit. Same as UCS-4, which uses 4 bytes for each character - unencoded. Formats of Multi-Byte e g Unicode Text Files. Endianess or byte-order For a multi-byte character, you need to take care of the order of the bytes in storage In big endian the most significant byte is stored at the memory location with the lowest address big byte first In little endian the most significant byte is stored at the memory location with the highest address little byte first For example, with Unicode number of 60A8H is stored as 60 A8 in big endian and stored as A8 60 in little endian Big endian, which produces a more readable hex dump, is more commonly-used, and is often the default. BOM Byte Order Mark BOM is a special Unicode character having code number of FEFF H which is used to differentiate big-endian and little-endian For big-endian, BOM appears as FE FFH in the storage For little-endian, BOM appears as FF FEH Unicode reserves these two code numbers to prevent it from crashing with another character. Unicode text files could take on these formats. Big Endian UCS-2BE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32BE. Little Endian UCS-2LE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32LE. UTF-16 with BOM The first character of the file is a BOM character, which specifies the endianess For big-endian, BOM appears as FE FFH in the storage For little-endian, BOM appears as FF FEH. UTF-8 file is always stored as big endian BOM plays no part However, in some systems in particular Windows , a BOM is added as the first character in the UTF-8 file as the signature to identity the file as UTF-8 encoded The BOM character FEFFH is encoded in UTF-8 as EF BB BF Adding a BOM as the first character of the file is not recommended, as it may be incorrectly interpreted in other system You can have a UTF-8 file without BO M. Formats of Text Files. Line Delimiter or End-Of-Line EOL Sometimes, when you use the Windows NotePad to open a text file created in Unix or Mac , all the lines are joined together This is because different operating platforms use different character as the so-called line delimiter or end-of-line or EOL Two non-printable control characters are involved 0AH Line-Feed or LF and 0DH Carriage-Return or CR. Windows DOS uses OD0AH CR LF or r n as EOL. Unix and Mac use 0AH LF or n only. End-of-File EOF TODO. Windows CMD Codepage. Character encoding scheme charset in Windows is called codepage In CMD shell, you can issue command chcp to display the current codepage, or chcp codepage-number to change the codepage. The default codepage 437 used in the original DOS is an 8-bit character set called Extended ASCII which is different from Latin-1 for code numbers above 127.Codepage 1252 Windows-1252 , is not exactly the same as Latin-1 It assigns code number 80H to 9FH to letters and punctuation, such as smart single-quotes and double-quotes A common problem in browser that display quotes and apostrophe in question marks or boxes is because the page is supposed to be Windows-1252, but mislabelled as ISO-8859-1.For internationalization and chinese character set codepage 65001 for UTF8, codepage 1201 for UCS-2BE, codepage 1200 for UCS-2LE, codepage 936 for chinese characters in GB2312, codepage 950 for chinese characters in Big5.Chinese Character Sets. Unicode supports all languages, including asian languages like Chinese both simplified and traditional characters , Japanese and Korean collectively called CJK There are more than 20,000 CJK characters in Unicode Unicode characters are often encoded in the UTF-8 scheme, which unfortunately, requires 3 bytes for each CJK character, instead of 2 bytes in the unencoded UCS-2 UTF-16.Worse still, there are also various chinese character sets, which is not compatible with Unicode. GB2312 GBK for simplified chinese characters GB2312 uses 2 bytes fo r each chinese character The most significant bit MSB of both bytes are set to 1 to co-exist with 7-bit ASCII with the MSB of 0 There are about 6700 characters GBK is an extension of GB2312, which include more characters as well as traditional chinese characters. BIG5 for traditional chinese characters BIG5 also uses 2 bytes for each chinese character The most significant bit of both bytes are also set to 1 BIG5 is not compatible with GBK, i e the same code number is assigned to different character. For example, the world is made more interesting with these many standards. Notes for Windows CMD Users To display the chinese character correctly in CMD shell, you need to choose the correct codepage, e g 65001 for UTF8, 936 for GB2312 GBK, 950 for Big5, 1201 for UCS-2BE, 1200 for UCS-2LE, 437 for the original DOS You can use command chcp to display the current code page and command chcp codepagenumber to change the codepage You also have to choose a font that can display the characters e g Co urier New, Consolas or Lucida Console, NOT Raster font. Collating Sequences for Ranking Characters. A string consists of a sequence of characters in upper or lower cases, e g apple BOY Cat In sorting or comparing strings, if we order the characters according to the underlying code numbers e g US-ASCII character-by-character, the order for the example would be BOY apple Cat because uppercase letters have a smaller code number than lowercase letters This does not agree with the so-called dictionary order where the same uppercase and lowercase letters have the same rank Another common problem in ordering strings is 10 ten at times is ordered in front of 1 to 9.Hence, in sorting or comparison of strings, a so-called collating sequence or collation is often defined, which specifies the ranks for letters uppercase, lowercase , numbers, and special symbols There are many collating sequences available It is entirely up to you to choose a collating sequence to meet your application s specific req uirements Some case-insensitive dictionary-order collating sequences have the same rank for same uppercase and lowercase letters, i e A a B b Z z Some case-sensitive dictionary-order collating sequences put the uppercase letter before its lowercase counterpart, i e A B C a b c Typically, space is ranked before digits 0 to 9 followed by the alphabets. Collating sequence is often language dependent, as different languages use different sets of characters e g , , a, with their own orders. For Java Programmers. JDK 1 4 introduced a new package to support encoding decoding of characters from UCS-2 used internally in Java program to any supported charset used by external devices. Example The following program encodes some Unicode texts in various encoding scheme, and display the Hex codes of the encoded byte sequences. For Java Programmers - char and String. The char data type are based on the original 16-bit Unicode standard called UCS-2 The Unicode has since evolved to 21 bits, with code range o f U 0000 to U 10FFFF The set of characters from U 0000 to U FFFF is known as the Basic Multilingual Plane BMP Characters above U FFFF are called supplementary characters A 16-bit Java char cannot hold a supplementary character. Recall that in the UTF-16 encoding scheme, a BMP characters uses 2 bytes It is the same as UCS-2 A supplementary character uses 4 bytes and requires a pair of 16-bit values, the first from the high-surrogates range, uD800- uDBFF , the second from the low-surrogates range uDC00- uDFFF. In Java, a String is a sequences of Unicode characters Java, in fact, uses UTF-16 for String and StringBuffer For BMP characters, they are the same as UCS-2 For supplementary characters, each characters requires a pair of char values. Java methods that accept a 16-bit char value does not support supplementary characters Methods that accept a 32-bit int value support all Unicode characters in the lower 21 bits , including supplementary characters. This is meant to be an academic discuss ion I have yet to encounter the use of supplementary characters. Displaying Hex Values Hex Editors. At times, you may need to display the hex values of a file, especially in dealing with Unicode characters A Hex Editor is a handy tool that a good programmer should possess in his her toolbox There are many freeware shareware Hex Editor available Try google Hex Editor. I used the followings. NotePad with Hex Editor Plug-in Open-source and free You can toggle between Hex view and Normal view by pushing the H button. PSPad Freeware You can toggle to Hex view by choosing View menu and select Hex Edit Mode. TextPad Shareware without expiration period To view the Hex value, you need to open the file by choosing the file format of binary. UltraEdit Shareware, not free, 30-day trial only. Let me know if you have a better choice, which is fast to launch, easy to use, can toggle between Hex and normal view, free. The following Java program can be used to display hex code for Java Primitives integer, chara cter and floating-point. In Eclipse, you can view the hex code for integer primitive Java variables in debug mode as follows In debug perspective, Variable panel Select the menu inverted triangle Java Java Preferences Primitive Display Options Check Display hexadecimal values byte, short, char, int, long. Summary - Why Bother about Data Representation. Integer number 1 floating-point number 1 0 character symbol 1 and string 1 are totally different inside the computer memory You need to know the difference to write good and high-performance programs. In 8-bit signed integer integer number 1 is represented as 00000001B. In 8-bit unsigned integer integer number 1 is represented as 00000001B. In 16-bit signed integer integer number 1 is represented as 00000000 00000001B. In 32-bit signed integer integer number 1 is represented as 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001B. In 32-bit floating-point representation number 1 0 is represented as 0 01111111 0000000 00000000 00000000B i e S 0 E 127 F 0.In 64-bit floating-point representation number 1 0 is represented as 0 01111111111 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000B i e S 0 E 1023 F 0.In 8-bit Latin-1, the character symbol 1 is represented as 00110001B or 31H. In 16-bit UCS-2, the character symbol 1 is represented as 00000000 00110001B. In UTF-8, the character symbol 1 is represented as 00110001B. If you add a 16-bit signed integer 1 and Latin-1 character 1 or a string 1 , you could get a surprise. Exercises Data Representation. For the following 16-bit codes. Give their values, if they are representing. a 16-bit unsigned integer. a 16-bit signed integer. two 8-bit unsigned integers. two 8-bit signed integers. a 16-bit Unicode characters. two 8-bit ISO-8859-1 characters. Ans 1 42 32810 2 42 -32726 3 0 42 128 42 4 0 42 -128 42 5 6 NUL PAD. REFERENCES RESOURCES. Floating-Point Number Specification IEEE 754 1985 , IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic. ASCII Specification ISO IEC 646 1991 or ITU-T T 50-1992 , Information technology - 7-bit coded character set for information interchange. Latin-I Specification ISO IEC 8859-1, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 1 Latin alphabet No 1. Unicode Specification ISO IEC 10646, Information technology - Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set UCS. Unicode Consortium. Last modified January, 2014.

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